Is Prophecy for Today?
John Wroe, Prophecy and God's Plan for Israel
The Christian Israelite Church was founded by John Wroe in 1822. This church believes that prophecy (God’s messages to His people) did not stop with the Bible but continues to this day.
Prophecy in the Christian Israelite Church
Throughout the Bible, God spoke to His people through prophets. God spoke to prophets like Moses, Elijah and Jeremiah with messages for them and His people. Prophets like Joel and Jeremiah predicted that God would continue to speak through prophets even after Biblical times (Joel 2:28-29, Jeremiah 31:31) particularly regarding the regathering of the lost tribes of Israel.

Importantly, prophecy in the church today is not about elevating individuals but about guiding believers in understanding the Bible. All prophecy is measured against scripture, which remains the foundation of the Church’s beliefs. Prophets help illuminate scripture and apply its teachings to current times, helping people live in accordance with God’s will.
John Wroe: A Prophet for a Particular Time and Purpose
John Wroe was born in Yorkshire, England in 1782. After facing hardships in his early life, John began to experience visions and dreams from God. These visions revealed that he had been chosen to deliver a message to the world. Although initially reluctant, he accepted his role as a prophet and founded the Christian Israelite Church in 1822. He travelled to different countries with his message and established Christian Israelite Churches in many nations.
John’s role as a prophet was for a specific time and purpose. His mission was to help regather the lost tribes of Israel and prepare them for the return of Jesus Christ. Central to this mission was his emphasis on the new covenant that God promised to Israel (Jeremiah 31:31, Hebrews 8:8). John taught that God’s people should follow both Old and New Testament laws to prepare for Christ’s return.
John’s work helped shape the beliefs and practices of the Christian Israelite Church, but the focus of his prophecies was always to deepen understanding of the Bible. His teachings, like all prophecy, served to clarify the unfolding of God’s promises as revealed in Scripture.
Prophecy and God's Plan for Israel
John Wroe’s role as a prophet was part of a bigger plan that God has for His people. The Bible says that God reveals His plans through prophets (Amos 3:7), and the Christian Israelite Church believes that Wroe’s messages are part of this continued revelation. His prophecies are viewed not as personal revelations but as tools to understand the promises God made to Israel, particularly regarding the regathering of the lost tribes and the fulfillment of the New Covenant.
John Wroe is seen as part of a line of prophetic figures through whom God has revealed His will for Israel.
Amos 3:7 says, ‘Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.’
This verse underscores the importance of prophecy in understanding God’s plan, and Wroe’s work is viewed as part of this ongoing revelation.
Matthew 10:26 further highlights that nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed, a promise that aligns with the church’s belief in the continuous unfolding of divine messages through prophecy.
Wroe’s mission was to guide Israel towards the fulfillment of God’s promises, helping them embrace the new covenant through the Messiah Jesus Christ and prepare for Christ’s return and the preservation of spirit, soul and body. His teachings align with the prophetic tradition for Israel foretold in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Ezekiel 36:25-27.
Prophecy in the Christian Israelite Church Today
While John Wroe’s prophetic role was central to the founding of the Christian Israelite Church, prophecy remains a living part of the church’s mission. Christian Israelites believe that his revelations were part of a larger, ongoing prophetic tradition that continues to guide the church today.
The church teaches that Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost will continue to play a vital role in the sanctification of God’s people, preparing them for the return of Christ and the establishment of His Kingdom. As John Wroe himself taught, the work of prophecy is not about the individual prophet but about the Spirit of God, which continues to guide believers.
John Wroe’s legacy is not one of personal glorification but of obedience to the Spirit of God and increasing understanding of the Bible. The Church continues today on Biblical foundations, and is guided by John Wroe’s prophetic work as they prepare for the return of the Messiah.
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