What Christian Israelites believe...
Explore what happens to the spirit, soul, and body after death, the second death, and insights into the first and final resurrection.
Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist) is a holy sacrament wherein bread and wine are used to remember Jesus’ sacrificial death.
Baptism, performed by full immersion, is essential for Christian Israelites, for remission of sins and the restoration of relationship with God.
Whitsuntide, or Pentecost, is celebrated by Christian Israelites, commemorating the Holy Ghost's arrival, spiritual renewal, and promise of immortality.
This article outlines the faith practices of the Christian Israelite Church, which combines Old Testament laws with a New Covenant perspective.
Explore the purpose of the Christian Israelite Church, focusing on the union of law and gospel, the hope of immortality, and God's promises to Israel.
Discover the story of the Israelites as told by the Christian Israelite Church, from God's covenant with Abraham to the promises for the twelve tribes in the end times.
Explore Christian Israelite beliefs about the spirit, soul, and body, their roles, and how they influence our connection to God, redemption, and spiritual well-being.
Explore the Christian Israelite Church's teachings on Satan, his origins, influence on humanity, and how believers can resist his power through Christ.
Discover the Christian Israelite Church's explanation of the Trinity: God the Father, the Holy Ghost, and Jesus Christ working as one to guide and redeem believers.